When you open this blog you should be greeted by a Google message which reads as follows:
This site uses cookies from Google
to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user
agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security
metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to
detect and address abuse.
In addition to this I should like to assure followers that this is a non-commercial blog. As owner, I make no use of any data you may have had to provide to sign up. I have not and never will contact any follower or reader, outside of the public conversation, via comment and reply, visible at the foot of each post.
This whole business is weird! I’ve been receiving hordes of emails from sites I have subscribed to for years because of this new regulation and there was something on one of the pages of my Blogger account about it, but I don’t see any message on my own blog sbout cookies, or on yours, for that matter. Very strange!