As I walked down by the river
Close by the sounding sea,
Up rose three water maidens
Who stretched white arms to me,
‘Come here, you lilting stranger
Who whistles as sharp as tin,
We’ll give you a bed, a crown for your head,
And our hair to wrap you in.’
‘No thanks, my jacket’s good enough,
And my old black tarpaulin.’
Then ups the old green river-man,
‘Come Jerry my boy,’ says he,
‘There’s room for a bold young chap like you
Under the water free.
I’ll make you lord of the river,
Walking on silver sand,
Fine liquor you’ll sup from a golden cup,
And the fishes will kiss your hand.’
Says I, ‘Your advice is mighty nice,
But I reckon I’ll stay on land.’
The last of all to surface
Was my lost love Nancy Gray,
She was wearing the ring I gave to her
A year last quarter day.
Her smile was bright as sunshine
In spite of the tears she wept,
With an infant pressed against her breast
That looked as though it slept –
‘Leap in my lad, be no more sad...’
So I looked at her, and leapt.
© Katherine Langrish 2025
Young Man on a Riverbank, Umberto Bocciano 1902, public domain: